The word of the day is… flavonoids! If you are like me, you are probably asking what flavonoids are and why you should care. Flavonoids are a group of natural substances that are commonly found in fruits, vegetables, teas, flowers, wine, and chocolate [4]. Scientists are beginning to study these substances more as research has shown they have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticariogenic properties- meaning they have a lot of great health benefits [4]. One of the most interesting foods to be studied for its flavonoid content is chocolate. Not all chocolate is created equal and different types of chocolate will vary in their flavonoid contents, as well as sugar content, carbohydrates, fats, and so on [2]. For this reason, dark chocolate, and pure cocoa, either as beans or powder, are considered the most beneficial types of chocolate to snack on because they have the highest flavonoid content compared to their milk chocolate and white chocolate counterparts [2].

In one study, groups of people were given a memory and cognition task to perform. Over 30 days, one group was given high flavonoid content cocoa while another group was given a placebo with no flavonoid content [6]. Over time, the group eating the real flavonoid cocoa performed better than the placebo group on the task [6]. In another study it was found that consuming flavonoids over a 3-month period increased the blood volume and flow to the brain [6]. This blood flow helps new nerve growth and blood vessels to grow in the brain [2]. Flavonoids may also help regulate inflammation in the brain, which is heavily associated with Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurodegenerative diseases [2]. And those nasty amyloid plaques that cause Alzheimer’s? Flavonoids may help proteins in your brain fight the buildup of them [4]! There are lots of other pathways and enzymes that have to work together in order to keep your brain in top shape and flavonoids are constantly being studied as an assistant to these mechanisms [2, 4].

While scientists are doing the hard work in the labs, I know you are wondering where you can find some delicious, brain boosting snacks. The Sweet Granada in Emporia is located at 803 Commercial Street and offers something for everyone. They offer a variety of chocolate treats such as truffles, clusters, fudges, and assortments [8]. Of course, to get the most flavonoids possible for your brain, I would recommend the Dark Chocolate Truffle (pictured below). However, if straight dark chocolate is not your favorite, several of their other treats are made with their dark chocolate like the Espresso Truffle (pictured left) or Salted Caramels [8]. Grabbing a chocolate snack with family or friends this weekend might be the perfect way to stay cool and sweeten your day.

Here is another sweet fact for you: chocolate is not the only way to get lots of flavonoids! Studies have shown that wine and tea can also have similar benefits to chocolate [3]. Green tea specifically is highly beneficial to cognitive functioning because it contains many different compounds, in addition to flavonoids, that help protect your brain from disrepair [3]. So, if you are not a fan of chocolate or maybe want to avoid chocolatey hands this weekend, consider picking up a refreshing drink or snack from Gravel City Roasters and save The Sweet Granada for another time! Gravel City Roasters is a local coffee shop that offers a lot more than just a cup of joe! They offer lots of tea selections, including hot or iced beverages, and an array of pastries and other snacks [1]. Fruit infused lemonades are also a popular summertime treat [1]! As I mentioned earlier, fruits and vegetables are packed with flavonoids and are one the best things you can eat for your body and brain. Check out everything that Gravel has by stopping in and tasting the goodness for yourself!

Feeling so busy that you don’t have time to take a break and treat yourself? You need to! Taking breaks throughout the day, especially when you are working or trying to learn something new, helps the brain process memories [7]. One study found that when right-handed people were taught to type a code with their left hand, they learned how to type with their left hand much faster if they took short breaks between typing sessions [7]. During their break time, brain mapping technology indicated that the brain was still replaying the activity [7]! This means that even though the person wasn’t actively working on their skill, their brain waves showed that their brain was still processing and storing it [7].

These breaks also offer opportunities for social engagement- another huge part of Alzheimer’s prevention [5]. Both The Sweet Granada and Gravel City Roasters are the perfect place to go with a friend or your family! They offer slow paced environments that are great for getting to sit down and talk to someone. By setting aside time for yourself to slow down and socialize with other people, you are helping your brain work in different ways and fight off dementia [5]. And if you want to visit alone, the friendly staff are always up for light conversation before you sit and do your own thing. Gravel City Roasters is one of my favorite places to sit with my friends and do homework or go alone and read!
Treat yourself (and your brain) this weekend and stay cool!
It is important to consider all the aspects of foods when we choose what to eat because even if they offer certain positive traits, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Moderation and balance are keys to a happy and healthy brain (and life)!
Notice: This author is not affiliated with The Sweet Granada or Gravel City Roasters in any way.
[1]. Gravel City Roasters Instagram page. One of the things we really wanted to do when moving, image of new snack options. Accessed July 18, 2022.
[2]. Katz DL, Doughty K, Ali A. Cocoa and chocolate in human health and disease. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2011;15(10):2779-2811. doi:10.1089/ars.2010.3697
[3]. Nurk E, Refsum H, Drevon CA, et al. Intake of Flavonoid-Rich Wine, Tea, and Chocolate by Elderly Men and Women Is Associated with Better Cognitive Test Performance. The Journal of Nutrition. 2008;139(1):120-127. doi:10.3945/jn.108.095182
[4]. Panche AN, Diwan AD, Chandra SR. Flavonoids: an overview. J Nutr Sci. 2016;5:e47. Published 2016 Dec 29. doi:10.1017/jns.2016.41
[5]. Pillai JA, Verghese J. Social networks and their role in preventing dementia. Indian J Psychiatry. 2009;51 Suppl 1(Suppl1):S22-S28.
[6]. Socci V, Tempesta D, Desideri G, De Gennaro L, Ferrara M. Enhancing Human Cognition with Cocoa Flavonoids. Front Nutr. 2017;4:19. Published 2017 May 16. doi:10.3389/fnut.2017.00019
[7]. Study shows how taking short breaks may help our brains learn new skills. National Institutes of Health. Published June 8, 2021. Accessed July 18, 2022.
[8]. The Sweet Granada. The Sweet Granada. Accessed July 18, 2022.