The Whole Life
Health & Wellness From the Inside Out

About Me
I have been working in the health & fitness field since 2005. Whether teaching, coaching or hosting community events, I have one goal in mind: to empower individuals to live their healthiest, most fulfilling lives. I believe the approach to lifestyle change is holistic and involves, body, mind and soul. I want to help you find your exercise niche, help you set and achieve your health-related goals and connect you to other professionals in the field to help you reach your optimal health in all dimensions of life.
I can't wait to walk with you along your health and fitness journey.
Get in touch to learn more.

The Inside-Out Approach
God has given us one body to get us through life here on Earth. I believe the way we nourish and take care of our bodies is not only important for our physical health, but our spiritual health, mental health, social health and more.
What I hope this website will provide is an opportunity to connect the various dimensions of health in an attempt to glorify God with our bodies, minds and souls.
New content will be published weekly that focuses on the many dimensions of health and their inter-relatedness. I will share exercise videos, EASY healthy recipes and other fun content!
I want to point people to health & wellness professionals who focus on the whole person and seek to honor God through their work. And I want to help you lead a healthy life in the present, while keeping our hearts focused on eternity.
Please join me in this journey of faith, fitness and friendship.

Simple Living
Does anyone else feel like they are constantly trying to become a minimalist...yet finding it next to impossible to actually do so? I often daydream about living in a tiny home, owning 10 total outfits, living off the land...and then I wake up and realize that I live in Kansas, with a husband, toddler and greyhound, where the weather shifts on a dime and our home is often the site of team dinners and life group gatherings. But I had an epiphany a little while back. Instead of dreaming of a simpler life, why not create a simpler life right where I am. My devotional yesterday said "Love God and accept where you are - it's exactly where you're supposed to be." And so, here I am, sharing my heart with you all and hoping you'll do the same!
Here is what I have found to be helpful. I hope it provides a bit of perspective for you as it has for me. None of the earthly possessions we own will ever truly satisfy. They are "here today and gone tomorrow." We certainly cannot take them with us when we leave this life. And the more clutter we have sitting around our home, the more stressed and overwhelmed I tend to feel. So instead of holding on to the things, I hold onto the memories. A special dish or trinket may break or become lost, but the memory of picking out that special item with a loved one will never leave my heart. So try saying farewell to a few things and saying 'thank you' for the wonderful memories they helped you create.
Embrace the simplicity my friend!
Exercise Truly is Medicine
Life throws so many curves our way. I have been amazed at the shift in daily life these past few weeks. To tell you the truth, it has been blissful. You realize how much work can actually get done in 3-5 hours when that is all you have. Our efficiency has increased, our rest has improved and we are connecting with family and friends in so many different ways than we are used to during this unique time. And I am finding so much beauty in that. I have run more in the past 3 weeks than I probably have in the past 3 months! Each run is a gift in its own unique way, and I am so grateful for the quiet time or the time of conversation with a friend or my hubby as my feet pound the pavement. I miss going to the gym, but am finding creative ways to strength train in our garage and around the house (see my FB videos). Exercise is medicine - we know this! There are too many benefits to list on this page. But I can tell you that each time I finish a run, walk or workout, my mind is refreshed, I sleep better at night, my mood is elevated and I am more likely to choose healthy foods to nourish my body. So take some time today and give yourself the gift of exercise. It doesn't have to be a mega workout. Aim for 10-15 minutes and go from there. Your body, mind and soul will thank you. I'm cheering for you!
If you need a little inspiration or instruction, clock on the exercise videos link below!

Nourishing Our Bodies
Have you ever thought of food as fuel? How about food as nourishment? Our relationship with food plays a large role in the foods we choose to eat, how much of those foods we eat, and even how often we eat!
Food is meant to sustain us. It is meant to provide the energy we need in order to meet the demands we impose on our bodies. Switching our views of food can dramatically impact our nutrition.
Viewing food as a life-giving, energy-providing gift makes meal prep fun and creative. And this perspective alters our emotional relationship with food. No longer is food an indulgence to run to when we are feeling overwhelmed or down in the dumps. It is a gift to ourselves in an attempt to improve our own health, and the health of our families.
Can I encourage you to change your perspective a little bit? I'm not asking for perfection! And you'll learn from my blog posts that perfect nutrition is not necessarily my goal. Perfection is not sustainable. I get it! But, can we shift our attitudes a little bit to using food to nourish our bodies and improve out health? I know you can. And your body will thank you for it.
Check out my recipes page for fun, EASY, nourishing recipes.

Your Tribe
Have you heard the it said that you are the product your 5 closest friends? While there are many other factors that contribute to our overall 'person,' it is true that the people you spend the most time with have a BIG impact on your behaviors...and this includes your health behaviors! If your closest friends are active, you are much more likely to be active as well. If your tribe values nutrition, chances are you will as well. But the implications go far beyond physical health. The social, spiritual and environmental values of your tribe will impact your overall health as well.
We tend to take on the characteristics of those we spend time with and admire. This can be a wonderful thing if we surround ourselves with positive healthy influences! Developing relationships with other health-minded individuals creates a network of accountability and support.
We are called to teach and admonish one another with love (Colossians 3:16). So, build a healthy tribe and nourish those relationships...
Your health depends on it!
Schedule a Session
If you are interested in personal coaching, please reach out. I love helping individuals identify and achieve their health & fitness goals.