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Gratitude and Your Fitness

Writer's picture: Erin BlockerErin Blocker

November is upon us, and soon the holiday season will begin. This season is the perfect time for reflecting on the year with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving. I have often kept a ‘attitude of gratitude’ journal, canvas or some other type of daily gratitude log over the years. It is a beautiful practice to greet each day with an acknowledgement of the many blessings we have in this life. One year, I kept a month-long gratitude canvas with a group I was leading. Each morning, we were supposed to write one thing we were grateful for, or something wonderful that had happened in the past 24 hrs and add one quote or scripture that made our hearts happy. At the end of the month, we all had these beautiful canvas posters, full of color and positivity, to hang on our walls. I still have mine to this day and display it in my office each November as a reminder to myself of the many gifts and people in my life.

November also brings colder weather, shorter days and dare I say it…snow! This can make exercise a bit more challenging. I don’t know about you, but if you work outside the home, it can be tricky to find the time to squeeze in a workout when daylight is limited. I am an outdoor exerciser. I LOVE being outside. I love the sunshine, the warmth, the fresh air, the beauty of nature…it just refreshes my soul. But running, walking, hiking in the pitch black doesn’t exactly give me the same feeling…nor is it the safest option when you live in the country on gravel roads. 😊 So, I often find myself getting creative with my winter workouts.

But you know what else these cold weather months bring? Increased rates of depression, lethargy and lack of motivation. Seasonal affective disorder is a condition that affects many people each year. When we don’t get all of our required Vitamin D from the sun AND we’re stuck inside due to weather, we tend to get a little down in the dumps. Take a look at a map of the US. Draw a line from Los Angeles, CA to Atlanta, GA. If you live below that line, it is nearly impossible for you to acquire the necessary amounts of daily Vitamin D sunlight during the winter months. This is simply because the sun’s rays are not as intense during these months, and that impedes our body’s ability to synthesize Vitamin D. So it’s no wonder we sometimes feel a little “egh” during these winter months.

So what am I suggesting? What do we do about it? It may seem like attitude/outlook and physical fitness are two completely separate topics, but they are intimately woven together and can have a dramatic impact on our overall health. Our attitudes have an enormous impact on our physical fitness! And vice versa. Individuals who tend to have a positive outlook on life, tend to report less perceived stress, fewer chronic aches and pains and higher satisfaction with life. Wouldn’t we all love to feel that way?!?

It may seem like an uphill battle, but small acts can start moving you in the right direction today. Here is what I would suggest you try…

Start an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ journal, wall, poster, anything!

  • Begin each day by writing down one thing you are grateful for. It can be as simple as a warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning.

  • Try to think about all of the different dimensions of health as you create your lists of gratitude. What are you thankful for in the physical realm; spiritual realm; relational realm; emotional, intellectual, financial…try to hit them all throughout the next week!

  • Try to get the whole family involved - what a fun way to usher in the holiday season!

Set a reasonable fitness goal for each day and work to achieve it.

  • Be cognizant of your schedule and available facilities.

  • Set goals that are achievable.

  • Start small and count every victory!

This is what I have found time and time again. When I focus on the blessings in my life, I am reminded of all the good that surrounds me and the abilities I have been given. I am reminded that my life is a gift from God and that what I do with that life is my gift back to Him. When I reframe my attitude toward exercise in this way, I feel obligated (in a good way) to make the time to do something good for my physical health. It doesn’t always mean that my workouts are the longest, most intense, most satisfying, most impressive endeavors. But they are always GOOD. They are always beneficial for my body and my mind. And they allow me a few moments alone to reflect and praise God for the gift of a healthy body.

Below are a few creative workout ideas that you can do anywhere, with little to no equipment. You do not have to join a gym in order to work on your physical fitness. Always consult with a fitness professional (reach out to me with questions!!!) if you feel unsafe doing particular exercises or need help modifying movements. Workouts are personal in nature. Choose exercise modalities you enjoy and feel happy doing. Challenge yourself, but be smart and progress gradually. Proper technique is ALWAYS superior to volume, intensity and duration.

Reach out and let me know how your workouts and attitudes of gratitude go this week! I would love to hear from you all.

And on that note, it’s time for me to do some push-ups! I am thankful for all of you. This blogging experience is enriching for my life, and it is my hope that it is for yours as well.

Blessings friends,


Creative Workout Ideas

Workout #1: 100 Push-Ups

· That’s it! Just complete 100 push-ups in a 24-hour period.

o Choose the push-up variation that best suits your fitness and ability level

o Countertop push-ups, table top push-ups, floor push-ups, etc.

· You could perform 10+ push-ups every hour until you reach 100.

· This workout could be performed a few times each week, perhaps even every day!

Workout #2: Tabata

· Pick an exercise you enjoy and can perform at home with no equipment.

o Push-ups, squats, lunges, abdominal exercises all work well if you don’t have weights to use)

o If you have never done a Tabata workout before, I would suggest starting with 2 exercises and alternate between the two. (ex. Perform exercise #1 for sets 1, 3, 5 & 7. Perform exercise #2 for sets 2, 4, 6, & 8.)

· Perform 20 seconds of exercise.

· Rest for 10 seconds.

· Repeat 7 more times.

· This workout is done in just 4 minutes!

Workout #3: At-Home Circuit

· Warm-Up for 5-10 minutes (ex. brisk walking, jogging, jumping jacks, step-ups, etc.)

· Choose 4-8 of your favorite exercises.

· Perform 8-12 repetitions of each exercise without resting between exercises.

· Complete 3-4 complete sets of the circuit you created.

· Cool-down for at least 5 minutes (ex. slow walking, jogging, etc.)

As always, if you have ANY exercise questions, please contact me! I am happy to help you find images, illustrations, videos, instructions, and other resources to help you reach your exercise goals. My #1 goal is for you to exercise safely and effectively.

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